Thursday, June 9, 2016

百年孤寂佳句 One Hundred Years of Solitude Quotations

花了兩個禮拜,終於把這本書K完了,單字一堆,想說上網找大概50個quotes, 先背quotes 裡面的單字不失為一個好方法~瞧我多聰明.沒想到找到的第一個網頁居然有394個quotes 哇搭昏key!這本書也不過417頁而已 @@" 其他網頁也都不是我期待的,唉!好吧~我自己來
ISBN-10: 0-06-088328-6  
ISBN-13: 978-0-06-088328-7
Confused by all the characters? Check p12-p17 in the link below.

如果沒耐著性子慢慢看完整本書,我覺得最大的挑戰會是搞清楚誰是誰,在七代(也可以說六代)的Buendia家族裡,名字一再重複 (真受不了這種以自己或家族另一成員的名字為新生兒命名的習俗,) 上面那個link有家族成員的詳細介紹,在12-17頁


  1. “A person does not belong to a place until there is someone dead under the ground.” (13)

  1. they were joined till death by a bond that was more solid than love: a common prick of conscience (20)

  1. that woman, whose explosive laugh frightened off the doves, had nothing to do with the invisible power that taught him how to breathe from within and control his heartbeats, and that had permitted him to understand why men are afraid of death.  (28)

  1. They were two happy lovers among the crowd, and they even came to suspect that love could be a feeling that was more relaxing and deep than the happiness, wild but momentary, of their secret nights.  (31)


  1. he realized that the day might come when things would be recognized by their inscriptions but that no one would remember their use. (47)

  1. thinking about the girl, with a mixture of desire and pity. (52)

  1. Time mitigated his mad proposal, but it aggravated his feelings of frustration. He took refuge in work. He resigned himself to being a womanless man for all his life in order to hide the shame of his uselessness. (53)
  1. it was not manly to make trouble for someone in front of his family,  (57)

  1. The image of Remedios, the magistrate’s younger daughter, who, because of her age, could have been his daughter, kept paining him in some part of his body. It was a physical sensation that almost bothered him when he walked, like a pebble in his shoe.  (58)

  1. Her hermetism was not odd. Although she seemed expansive and cordial, she had a solitary character and an impenetrable heart.  (62)
她這種自閉的行徑並不奇怪,雖然她表面上開朗又友善,她的性格卻是孤獨又難以捉摸 (cordial的意思是just being polite)

  1. She had become tired of waiting for the man who would stay, of the men who left, of the countless men who missed the road to her house, confused by the uncertainty of the cards. During the wait her skin had become wrinkled, her breasts had withered, the coals of her heart had gone out. (67)

  1. “Love is a disease,” (68)

  1. The newfound harmony was interrupted by the death of Melquíades. Although it was a foreseeable event, the circumstances were not. (70)

  1. dealt with Amaranta as with a capricious little girl who was not worth taking seriously.  (73)

  1. “Don’t get your hopes up. Even if they send me to the ends of the earth I’ll find some way of stopping you from getting married, even if I have to kill you.”  (73)

  1. “Well,” Aureliano said. “Tell me what it is.” Pilar Ternera bit her lips with a sad smile. “That you’d be good in a war,” she said. “Where you put your eye, you put your bullet.”  (76)
Aureliano說:"告訴我怎麼回事?" Pilar Ternera緊咬嘴唇苦笑說:"我想你打仗一定很厲害,你目光所到之處,子彈就射中了."
(不知道這是不是哥倫比亞當地人都知道的一個成語???這句話是暗示說"我懷孕了." 因為Aureliano接著回答說:"我會認他的,孩子生下來後將沿用我的名字)

  1. They would answer him that they had been many years without a priest, arranging the business of their souls directly with God, and that they had lost the evil of original sin. (81)

  1. Rebeca gave him a final proof of her loyalty. “We’ll elope whenever you say,” she told him. Pietro Crespi, however, was not a man of adventure. He lacked the impulsive character of his fiancée and he considered respect for one’s given word as a wealth that should not be squandered.  (84)
Rebeca為了證明她對他永久的忠誠,向他保證:"不管什麼時候,只要你說一聲,我們就一起私奔." 然而,Pietro Crespi不是那種敢於冒險的人,他缺乏他未婚妻那種衝動的性格.他認為守信是一種財富,不可以輕易拋棄.

  1. Just the idea of thinking about a new date for the wedding would have been so irreverent that the engagement turned into an eternal relationship, a fatigued love that no one worried about again, as if the lovers, who in other days had sabotaged the lamps in order to kiss, had been abandoned to the free will of death.  (88)

  1. “Fuck nature two times over,”  (92)

  1. Although her temperament lacked grace, she had a rare sensibility for appreciating the things of the world and had a secret tenderness.  (94)

  1. Amaranta’s sensibility, her discreet but enveloping tenderness had been weaving an invisible web about her fiancé, (107)

  1. he had never taken a good look at her because she had that rare virtue of never existing completely except at the opportune moment.  (112)

  1. Rebeca’s firm character, the voracity of her stomach, her tenacious ambition absorbed the tremendous energy of her husband, who had been changed from a lazy, woman chasing man into an enormous work animal. (113)

  1. He thought about his people without sentimentality, with a strict closing of his accounts with life, beginning to understand how much he really loved the people he hated most. (118)

  1. “What did you expect?” Úrsula sighed. “Time passes.” “That’s how it goes,” Aureliano admitted, “but not so much.” In that way the long-awaited visit, for which both had prepared questions and had even anticipated answers, was once more the usual everyday conversation. (124) (quote 97)
"你期待什麼呢?" Ursula嘆息說,"時間過得好快呀." "確實如此" Aureliano同意的說,"但不該有這麼大的變化." 兩人期待已久的見面,早已準備了要問的問題,甚至預先想好了答案,如今見了面卻只是些日常話題

  1. Since the beginning of adolescence, when he had begun to be aware of his premonitions, he thought that death would be announced with a definite, unequivocal, irrevocable signal, but there were only a few hours left before he would die and the signal had not come.  (125)

  1. His efforts to systematize his premonitions were useless. They would come suddenly in a wave of supernatural lucidity, like an absolute and momentaneous conviction, but they could not be grasped. On occasion they were so natural that he identified them as premonitions only after they had been fulfilled. Frequently they were nothing but ordinary bits of superstition.  (125)

  1. He did not feel fear or nostalgia, but an intestinal rage at the idea that this artificial death would not let him see the end of so many things that he had left unfinished.  (126)

  1. he was an antimilitarist. He considered military men unprincipled loafers, ambitious plotters, experts in facing down civilians in order to prosper during times of disorder.  (145)

  1. “At first they behave very well, they’re obedient and prompt and they don’t seem capable of killing a fly, but as soon as their beards appear they go to ruin.” (152)

  1. Pilar Ternera had lost the trail of all hope. Her laugh had taken on the tones of an organ, her breasts had succumbed to the tedium of endless caressing, her stomach and her thighs had been the victims of her irrevocable fate as a shared woman, but her heart grew old without bitterness. Fat, talkative, with the airs of a matron in disgrace, she renounced the sterile illusions of her cards and found peace and consolation in other people’s loves.  (152)
Pilar Ternera已失去所有希望,她的笑聲像破風琴,乳房已因過多的撫摸而扁平,肚皮和大腿是她作為一個蕩婦無可抗拒的舛命犧牲品,但她的心卻老得不再苦澀尖酸,她胖胖的,愛說話,心態像一個失寵的主婦.不再寄望紙牌的空夢,轉而從別人的愛情中尋找平靜與慰藉

  1. His face, tanned by the salt of the Caribbean, had acquired a metallic hardness. He was preserved against imminent old age by a vitality that had something to do with the coldness of his insides. He was taller than when he had left, paler and bonier, and he showed the first symptoms of resistance to nostalgia.  (156)

  1. “You have taken this horrible game very seriously and you have done well because you are doing your duty,” she told the members of the court. “But don’t forget that as long as God gives us life we will still be mothers and no matter how revolutionary you may be, we have the right to pull down your pants and give you a whipping at the first sign of disrespect.”  (158)
"這可怕的遊戲,你們玩得很認真,玩得很好,因為你們是在盡職" 她告訴法院上的每個官員,"但是別忘了,只要上帝讓我們活著,我們就仍然是母親,不管你們有多強的革命性,只要你們有一點兒不尊敬我們,我們仍有權力把你們的褲子扒下來打一頓屁股."

  1. what worries me is not your shooting me, because after all, for people like us it’s a natural death.” He laid his glasses on the bed and took off his watch and chain. “What worries me,” he went on, “is that out of so much hatred for the military, out of fighting them so much and thinking about them so much, you’ve ended up as bad as they are. And no ideal in life is worth that much baseness.”  (158)
"我所擔心的不是你要槍斃我,因為,畢竟我們這種人被槍斃也算是自然死亡.” 他把眼鏡放在床上,脫下手表和鍊子.接著說,"我所憂心的,是你這麼恨軍方,拼命對抗他們,整天在為他們傷腦筋,到頭來你跟他們一樣糟糕,人生的理想是不值得這樣卑鄙地去追求的."

  1. They spent many hours without speaking, content with their reciprocal company, but while Amaranta was inwardly pleased in keeping the fire of his devotion alive, he was unaware of the secret designs of that indecipherable heart.  (162)

  1. for four years he kept repeating his love and she would always find a way to reject him without hurting him, for even though she had not succeeded in loving him she could no longer live without him.  (162)

  1. His orders were being carried out even before they were given, even before he thought of them, and they always went much beyond what he would have dared have them do. Lost in the solitude of his immense power, he began to lose direction.  (166)

  1. “Dying is much more difficult than one imagines.” In his case it was true. The certainty that his day was assigned gave him a mysterious immunity, an immortality or a fixed period that made him invulnerable to the risks of war and in the end permitted him to win a defeat that was much more difficult, much more bloody and costly than victory.  (170)
"死亡比一個人想像中的困難得多," 對他來說,那倒也是真的.他認定死亡是早已注定了的,這給了他一種神祕的免疫力,讓他在注定死亡之前的戰場上冒險作戰,成了刀槍不入永不死的人.最後終究讓他在贏了一場本來要失敗的戰爭中嚐到比勝利更艱難,更血腥,更需付出代價的痛苦. (win a defeat讓我想了老半天,這些文學作家一定要這麼繞口令嗎@@")

  1. “We’ll rot in here,” she thought. “We’ll turn to ashes in this house without men, but we won’t give this miserable town the pleasure of seeing us weep.”  (176)
"我們將腐爛在這裡," 她想,"我們會在這間沒有男人的房子裡化成灰.可是我們不會讓這個悲慘鎮上的居民看我們流淚而高興."

  1. Although she was already a hundred years old and on the point of going blind from cataracts, she still had her physical dynamism, her integrity of character, and her mental balance intact. No one would be better able than she to shape the virtuous man who would restore the prestige of the family, a man who would never have heard talk of war, fighting cocks, bad women, or wild undertakings, four calamities that, according to what Úrsula thought, had determined the downfall. of their line. “This one will be a priest,” she promised solemnly. “And if God gives me life he’ll be Pope someday.”  (188)
雖然她已經一百歲了,由於患有白內障,眼睛快瞎了.體力卻依舊健旺,個性剛毅,心智平衡無缺,沒有人能比她更適合於塑造有美德的後代,以恢復家族的聲望.按照Ursula的想法,這個有美德的後代人士,必定不談戰爭,不碰鬥雞和壞女人,不做瘋狂的冒險這使家道中衰的四大災禍. “這個有美德的後裔必然是當神父," 她嚴正的許諾說, "如果上帝讓我多活些年歲,我定有一天會看到他榮任教皇.

  1. he was convinced that his lucky star was not a matter of his conduct but an influence of Petra Cotes, his concubine, whose love had the virtue of exasperating nature. So convinced was he that this was the origin of his fortune (189)
他相信自己的運氣不是靠他的行為來決定,而是受他姘婦Petra Cotes的影響.她的愛情具有激怒大自然的特性,他深信這是他財富的泉源

  1. It seemed as if some penetrating lucidity permitted her to see the reality of things beyond any formalism. (197)

  1. Úrsula, for her part, thanked God for having awarded the family with a creature of exceptional purity, but at the same time she was disturbed by her beauty, for it seemed a contradictory virtue to her, a diabolical trap at the center of her innocence.  (197)

  1. Taciturn, silent, insensible to the new breath of vitality that was shaking the house, Colonel Aureliano Buendía could understand only that the secret of a good old age is simply an honorable pact with solitude.  (199)
Aureliano Buendia上校這時已沉默寡言,對家裡新生代的震撼視若不見,他只知道金色晚年的秘訣在於與孤寂結上光榮的誓盟

  1. Petra Cotes, aware of her strength, showed no signs of worry. She had made a man of him. While he was still a child she had drawn him out of Melquíades’ room, his head full of fantastic ideas and lacking any contact with reality, and she had given him a place in the world. Nature had made him reserved and withdrawn. with tendencies toward solitary meditation, and she had molded an opposite character in him, one that was vital, expansive, open, and she had injected him with a joy for living and a pleasure in spending and celebrating until she had converted him inside and out, into the man she had dreamed of for herself ever since adolescence.  (203)
Petra Cotes深知自己的魅力,她一點也不擔心,他是她造就的男人.當他還充滿孩子氣的時候,她把他引出Melquiades的房間,那時他滿腦子的奇思幻想,缺乏與現實接觸的經驗,是她給了他世俗的社會地位,他天性保守退縮,有孤獨沉思的傾向,她塑造了他相反的性格,一方面使他活力充沛,豪爽,開朗,另一方面又灌輸他懂得享受生活,懂得花錢的樂趣和喜歡賀筵.她把他的內在外在都改變成她自青春期以來就夢想的男人

  1. Petra Cotes, without losing her poise of a wild beast in repose for a single instant, heard the music and the fireworks from the wedding, the wild bustle of the celebration as if all of it were nothing but some new piece of mischief on the part of Aureliano Segundo. Those who pitied her fate were calmed with a smile. “Don’t worry,” she told them. “Queens run errands for me.”  (204)
Petra Cotes片刻都不失她那種野獸在休息時沉著應變的本能,她聽到婚禮上的音樂與鞭炮聲,以及慶祝的喧鬧聲,彷彿這一切都不算什麼,只不過是Aureliano Segundo新玩的惡作劇罷了.她對同情她命運的人報以微笑.”別擔心" 她告訴他們說, "女王們都替我跑腿兒呢"

  1. he seemed ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of appearances.  (205)

  1. “I was saying,” she told her, “that you’re one of those people who mix up their ass and their ashes.”  (211)
"我是說" 她告訴她, "妳就是那種說起話來夾纏不清含混不明的人." (這可能也是哥倫比亞當地人才知道的俚語???因為我問老公這句話是啥意思,他回我不知道.所以,美國人不懂)

  1. Fernanda very tactfully tried not to cross his path. Within herself she was bothered by his independent spirit his resistance to all kinds of social rigidity.  (212)

  1. she had to tolerate that one loose piece in the family machinery because she was sure that the old colonel was an animal who had been tamed by the years and by disappointment and who, in a burst of senile rebellion, was quite capable of uprooting the foundations of the house.  (212)

  1. Amaranta thought about Rebeca, because solitude had made a selection in her memory and had burned the dimming piles of nostalgic waste that life had accumulated in her heart, and had purified, magnified and eternalized the others, the most bitter ones.  (219)

  1. Rebeca, who had needed many years of suffering and misery in order to attain the privileges of solitude and who was not disposed to renounce them in exchange for an old age disturbed by the false attractions of charity.  (219)

  1. The innocent yellow train that was to bring so many ambiguities and certainties, so many pleasant and unpleasant moments, so many changes, calamities, and feelings of nostalgia to Macondo. (222)

  1. they decided not to return to the movies, considering that they already had too many troubles of their own to weep over the acted-out misfortunes of imaginary beings.  (223)

  1. It was as if God had decided to put to the test every capacity for surprise and was keeping the inhabitants of Macondo in a permanent alternation between excitement and disappointment, doubt and revelation, to such an extreme that no one knew for certain where the limits of reality lay. It was an intricate stew of truths and mirages (224)

  1. Wednesday they brought in a trainload of strange whores, Babylonish women skilled in age-old methods and in possession of all manner of unguents and devices to stimulate the unaroused, to give courage to the timid, to satiate the voracious, to exalt the modest man, to teach a lesson to repeaters, and to correct solitary people.  (227)

  1. Remedios the Beauty was the only one who was immune to the banana plague. She was becalmed in a magnificent adolescence, more and more impenetrable to formality, more and more indifferent to malice and suspicion, happy in her own world of simple realities. She did not understand why women complicated their lives with corsets and petticoats, so she sewed herself a coarse cassock that she simply put over her and without further difficulties resolved the problem of dress, without taking away the feeling of being naked, which according to her lights was the only decent way to be when at home. (229)
只有Remedios the Beauty不受香蕉狂熱疫疾的影響,在她的妙齡青春期,她變得更加安靜,更不理會表面的禮儀,對一切惡意與猜疑更不加理睬,她幸福地活在自己單純的世界裡,她不知道女人為什麼要穿緊身胸衣和裙子,把生活弄得如此複雜,於是她為自己縫製了一件簡單的長袍套在身上,輕鬆地解決了衣著問題.因為衣著寬鬆,感覺像沒穿衣服一樣.照她的看法,裸體才是居家唯一正經的打扮.

  1. The startling thing about her simplifying instinct was that the more she did away with fashion in a search for comfort and the more she passed over conventions as she obeyed spontaneity, the more disturbing her incredible beauty became and the more provocative she became to men. (230)

  1. Then she would throw water from the cistern over herself with a gourd. It was an act so prolonged, so meticulous, so rich in ceremonial aspects that one who did not know her well would have thought that she was given over to the deserved adoration of her own body. For her, however, that solitary rite lacked all sensuality and was simply a way of passing the time until she was hungry. (231)

  1. She faced the attacker in a kind of instantaneous flash and saw the disconsolate eyes, which remained stamped on her heart like the hot coals of pity.  (234)

  1. she had tried to get her interested in basic domestic affairs. “Men demand much more than you think,” she would tell her enigmatically. “There’s a lot of cooking, a lot of sweeping, a lot of suffering over little things beyond what you think.” She was deceiving herself within, trying to train her for domestic happiness because she was convinced that once his passion was satisfied there would not be a man on the face of the earth capable of tolerating even for a day a negligence that was beyond all understanding.  (234)
她曾想引導她(曾孫女)對一些起碼的家務發生興趣, "男人的要求遠比妳想像中的要高得多," 她會神秘兮兮地告訴她(曾孫女), "烹飪,灑掃,以及煩人的小雜事都比妳想像中還要複雜," 她說這些只不過在欺騙自己而已,她一心想訓練她(曾孫女)爭取家庭的幸福,因為她相信世界上任何一個男人在情慾滿足後,絕對不喜歡女人那種邋遢性情.

  1. As had happened with the death of his wife, as had happened to him so many times during the war with the deaths of his best friends, he did not have a feeling of sorrow but a blind and directionless rage, a broad feeling of impotence.  (240)

  1. In the fury of his torment he tried futilely to rouse the omens that had guided his youth along dangerous paths into the desolate wasteland of glory. He was lost, astray in a strange house where nothing and no one now stirred in him the slightest vestige of affection. (240)

  1. “a person doesn’t die when he should but when he can.”  (241)

  1. “I already knew that you were old, but now I realize that you’re a lot older than you look.”  (243)

  1. She realized that Colonel Aureliano Buendía had not lost his love for the family because he had been hardened by the war, as she had thought before, but that he had never loved anyone, not even his wife Remedios or the countless one-night women who had passed through his life, and much less his sons. She sensed that he had fought so many wars not out of idealism, as everyone had thought, nor had he renounced a certain victory because of fatigue, as everyone had thought, but that he had won and lost for the same reason, pure and sinful pride. She reached the conclusion that the son for whom she would have given her life was simply a man incapable of love. (249)
她領悟出她的次子Aureliano Buendia上校與她想像的不一樣,他不是因為仗打多了而變成鐵石心腸不愛家的人,而是他從來就沒有愛過任何人.包括他過世的妻子Remedios,以及他那些數不清的一夜情人,更別提他的兒子們了(註:他共有18個兒子,全都是不同女人生的),她發現他打了那麼多仗,都不是出於理想,他放棄勝利,也不是像大家所想的出於厭倦與疲困,其實他對勝敗只有一個理由,就是他那份單純而邪惡的自尊心.她下個結論說: 她願意犧牲生命來維護的兒子,只是一個無法付出愛心的人.

  1. Amaranta, however, whose hardness of heart frightened her, whose concentrated bitterness made her bitter, suddenly became clear to her in the final analysis as the most tender woman who had ever existed, and she understood with pitying clarity that the unjust tortures to which she had submitted Pietro Crespi had not been dictated by a desire for vengeance, as everyone had thought, nor had the slow martyrdom with which she had frustrated the life of Colonel Gerineldo Márquez been determined by the gall of her bitterness, as everyone had thought, but that both actions had been a mortal struggle between a measureless love and an invincible cowardice, and that the irrational fear that Amaranta had always had of her own tormented heart had triumphed in the end.  (249)
她的女兒Amaranta鐵石的心腸曾讓她驚恐,怨氣沖沖地曾害她傷心.而今她做最後的分析,卻突然發覺她的女兒是世界上最溫柔的女性.用憐憫的同情心來看,她終於清楚的知道女兒折磨Pietro Crespi,並非如大家所想像的是出於報復心;同理,女兒使Gerineldo Marquez上校一生為了愛她而痛苦,也不是像大家所想像的基於刻薄怨尤.這兩段愛情的失敗都是由於無法丈量的愛和無法征服的膽怯在內心相互衝擊後得到的結果.Amaranta心底那種無理性的恐懼最後終於抑壓了她的心.

  1. She stumbled so much in her insistence in taking part in everything that she felt herself upset by gusts of bad humor and she tried to get rid of the shadows that were beginning to wrap her in a straitjacket of cobwebs. It was then that it occurred to her that her clumsiness was not the first victory of decrepitude and darkness but a sentence passed by time. She thought that previously, when God did not make the same traps out of the months and years that the Turks used when they measured a yard of percale, things were different. Now children not only grew faster, but even feelings developed in a different way.  (250)

  1. Remembering those things as she prepared José Arcadio’s trunk, Úrsula wondered if it was not preferable to lie down once and for all in her grave and let them throw the earth over her, and she asked God, without fear, if he really believed that people were made of iron in order to bear so many troubles and mortifications, and asking over and over she was stirring up her own confusion and she felt irrepressible desires to let herself go and scamper about like a foreigner and allow herself at last an instant of rebellion, that instant yearned for so many times and so many times postponed, putting her resignation aside and shitting on everything once and for all and drawing out of her heart the infinite stacks of bad words that she had been forced to swallow over a century of conformity. “Shit!” she shouted.  (251)
Ursula一邊在為玄孫Jose Arcadio收拾皮箱,一邊在想她是不是乾脆躺進棺材給人埋掉算了,她無所恃恐地問上帝,祂是否真的認為人是鐵做的,以致可以忍受這麼多的憂思和屈辱.她混亂的心情起伏不定,一遍又一遍的問,是否她也可以不壓抑自己的渴望,學那些異鄉人一走了之,晚年也讓自己的反叛性格反叛一下,她耽擱了這種渴望這麼多次這麼久了.是否她可以不再聽天由命,把她百餘年來硬忍在肚子裡的悶氣髒話也傾吐出來. "狗屎!" 她大喊出來.

  1. She had learned to eat when she was already the respectable mother of a family, looking for a way for her children to eat better and not by means of any artificial stimulation of their appetites but through the absolute tranquility of their spirits. Her theory, demonstrated in practice, was based on the principle that a person who had all matters of conscience in perfect shape should be able to eat until overcome by fatigue.  (256)

  1. Tall, broad shouldered, proud, always dressed in abundant petticoats with the lace and in air of distinction that resisted the years and bad memories, Amaranta seemed to carry the cross of ashes of virginity on her forehead.  (258)

  1. He was linear, solemn, and had a pensive air and the sadness of a Saracen and a mournful glow on his face that was the color of autumn.  (261)

  1. He drifted about, with no ties of affection, with no ambitions, like a wandering star in Úrsula’s planetary system.  (262)

  1. But it did not take her long to realize that he was as insensible to her begging as the colonel would have been, and that they were armored by the same impermeability of affection. Although she never knew, nor did anyone know, what they spoke about in their prolonged sessions shut up in the workshop, she understood that they were probably the only members of the family who seemed drawn together by some affinity.  (262)
然而很快她就發現了他(Jose Arcadio Segundo)與上校一樣,對她的懇求根本無動於衷,親情滲不進他們的心中,雖然她不知道,家裡其他的人也不知道,他們長時間關在工作室裡談些什麼,可是她了解全家只有這兩個人是意氣相投的.

  1. Because of a kind of scientific superstition he never worked, or read, or bathed, or made love until two hours of digestion had gone by, and it was such a deep-rooted belief that several times he held up military operations so as not to submit the troops to the risks of indigestion.  (265)

  1. More than her art, the guests admired her duality. Her frivolous and even slightly infantile character did not seem up to any serious activity, but when she sat down at the clavichord she became a different girl, one whose unforeseen maturity gave her the air of an adult. That was how she had always been. She really did am have any definite vocation, but she had earned the highest grades by means of inflexible discipline simply in order not to annoy her mother. They could have imposed on her an apprenticeship in any other field and the results would have been the same. Since she had been very small she had been troubled by Fernanda’s strictness, her custom of deciding in favor of extremes; and she would have been capable of a much more difficult sacrifice than the clavichord lessons merely not to run up against her intransigence. (269)

  1. During those moments of relaxation Meme’s real tastes were revealed. Her happiness lay at the other extreme from discipline, in noisy parties, in gossip about lovers, in prolonged sessions with her girl friends, where they learned to smoke and talked about male business,  (271)

  1. In recent times his annoyance with the absurd obesity that prevented him from tying his shoes and his abusive satisfaction with all manner of appetites had began to sour his character. The discovery of his daughter restored his former joviality and the pleasure of being with her was slowly leading him away from dissipation. Meme was entering a fruitful age. She was not beautiful, as Amaranta had never been, but on the other hand she was pleasant, uncomplicated, and she had the virtue of making a good impression on people from the first moment. She had a modem spirit that wounded the antiquated sobriety and poorly disguised miserly heart of Fernanda, and that, on the other hand, Aureliano Segundo took pleasure in developing.  (272)
最近他胖得到了一個荒謬的程度,連綁鞋帶都有問題,讓他很煩惱.加上各種慾望都過分滿足,性格漸漸地彆扭起來.但他因關注女兒而恢復了往日的歡笑,因為喜歡跟女兒在一起,他慢慢地改正了放蕩的習氣.Meme已進入成熟階段的年齡,她與Amaranta當年一樣,長得並不漂亮,但另一方面,她生性卻很活潑又單純,叫人見了就喜歡,她具有現代精神,使得嚴謹而古風又拙劣掩飾吝嗇本質的母親Fernanda非常傷心;相反地,Aureliano Segundo則喜歡培養女兒這種現代精神.

  1. He was so lavish with Meme that he did not even know how much money he gave her because she herself would take it out of his pockets,  (273)

  1. Petra was tormented by an unknown fear, as if instinct were telling her that Meme, by just wanting it, could succeed in what Fernanda had been unable to do: deprive her of a love that by then she considered assured until death. (273)
Petra有一種莫名的恐懼,她憑直覺認定,只要Meme願意,她可以做到Fernanda做不到的目標,那就是剝奪Petra她自己認為到死都可以擁有的愛情. (沒看過書的朋友,Petra的情夫是Meme的老爸,Fernanda的老公)

  1. At times It pained her to have let that outpouring of misery follow its course, and at times it made her so angry that she would prick her fingers with the needles, but what pained her most and enraged her most and made her most bitter was the fragrant and wormy guava grove of love that was dragging her toward death. Just as Colonel Aureliano Buendía thought about his war, unable to avoid it, so Amaranta thought about Rebeca. But while her brother had managed to sterilize his memories, she had only managed to make hers more scalding. The only thing that she asked of God for many years was that he would not visit on her the punishment of dying before Rebeca. (277)
有時候她痛苦得任由慘痛的記憶奔瀉,有時候她甚至氣憤得用針刺自己的手指頭.但最令她痛苦,氣憤和心酸的卻是她那芬芳的,果實卻蛀滿蟲子的愛情花圃,是這個花圃拖著她走向死亡.就像Aureliano Buendia上校想起他的戰爭無法逃避;Amaranta想起Rebeca也是這樣.只是她的哥哥Aureliano Buendia上校設法使回憶枯竭,她的回憶卻越來越灼人.許多年來,她對上帝只有一個請求,那就是別讓她死在Rebeca前面.
  1. At the final moment, however, Amaranta did not feel frustrated, but on the contrary, free of all bitterness because death had awarded her the privilege of announcing itself several years ahead of time.  (278)

  1. The world was reduced to the surface of her skin and her inner self was safe from all bitterness. It pained her not to have had that revelation many years before when it had still been possible to purify memories and reconstruct the universe under a new light and evoke without trembling Pietro Crespi’s smell of lavender at dusk and rescue Rebeca from her slough of misery, not out of hatred or out of love but because of the measureless understanding of solitude. The hatred that she noticed one night in Memes words did not upset her because it was directed at her, but she felt the repetition of another adolescence that seemed as clean as hers must have seemed and that, however, was already tainted with rancor. But by then her acceptance of her fate was so deep that she was not even upset by the certainty that all possibilities of rectification were closed to her.  (279)
世界的意義已降到如她皮膚表層那般淺薄了,她的內心平靜,遠離了所有的辛酸,她遺憾的是,許多年前她沒有得到這樣的啟示,當時如果她想的通,她還可以淨化自己的回憶,以新的看法重建自己的世界.她可以在傍晚時分靜靜地思念Pietro Crespi的薰衣草香味而不至於顫抖,她也可以把Rebeca從苦難的泥沼中救出來.她會這麼想,既不是為了愛,也不是為了恨.只是深入了解了無限的孤寂.那天晚上,她發現Meme的話語中帶有怨恨之意,她並不因為Meme把目標指向她而難過,而是覺得另一個跟她以前一樣純潔的青春生命似乎也已經被怨恨汙染了.然而當時她已深深地接受命運的安排,眼見事情沒有矯正的可能,也就不在乎了.

  1. “I came to see the new models,” Meme said. “That’s a fine excuse,” he said. Meme realized that he was burning in the heat of his pride, and she desperately looked for a way to humiliate him. But he would not give her any time. “Don’t get upset,” he said to her in a low voice. “It’s not the first time that a woman has gone crazy over a man.” She felt so defeated that she left the garage without seeing the new models and she spent the night turning over in bed and weeping with indignation.  (286)
"我是來看新型車子的." Meme說. "這是個很好的藉口." 他說.
Meme發現他很自負,拼命想法子想好好羞辱他一頓,不過,他不給她時間. "別焦慮不安,這不是女人頭一回為男人瘋狂." 他低聲對她說.她自覺被打敗了.不看新車就走了.夜裡她躺在床上輾轉反側,氣得哭了出來.

  1. the anxiety of falling in love could not find repose except in bed.  (289)

  1. her heart was not strong enough and she preferred to wait patiently until the infinite goodness of God would free her from the annoyance.  (299)

  1. José Arcadio Segundo reached the conclusion that Colonel Aureliano Buendía was nothing but a faker or an imbecile. He could not understand why he had needed so many words to explain what he felt in war because one was enough: fear.  (312)
Jose Arcadio Segundo得出的結論是Aureliano Buendia上校不是騙子就是白癡,他想不通Aureliano Buendia上校為什麼要用那麼多的話來說明他對戰爭的感受,其實只用一個詞彙就夠了:恐懼

  1. no one knew whether because of the involuntary exercise, the winter tedium or the imposed abstinence, but his belly was deflating little by little like a wineskin and his face of a beatific tortoise was becoming less bloodshot and his double chin less prominent until he became less pachydermic all over and was able to tie his own shoes again.  (316)

  1. Aureliano Segundo did not realize that he was getting old until one afternoon when he found himself contemplating the premature dusk from a rocking chair and thinking about Petra Cotes without quivering. There would have been no problem in going back to Fernanda’s insipid love, because her beauty had become solemn with age, but the rain had spared him from all emergencies of passion and had filled him with the spongy serenity of a lack of appetite. (316)
有一天下午,他坐在搖椅上凝視早來的黃昏,想起(情婦)Petra Cotes,竟一點也不興奮,他才發覺自己漸漸老了.(妻子)Fernanda的美麗隨著年齡的增長而端莊起來,對他來說應該沒問題回到她那無趣的愛情裡,可是大雨沖淡了他的激情,使他像海綿般沉寂,沒有任何慾望.

  1. even those wild memories of his mad youth left him unmoved, just as during his last debauch he had exhausted his quota of salaciousness and all he had left was the marvelous gift of being able to remember it without bitterness or repentance. It might have been thought that the deluge had given him the opportunity to sit and reflect  (317)
甚至那些他在瘋狂青春歲月裡狂野的回憶,現在想起來,心底也起不了波紋.就好像是在最後一段荒唐的日子中,他已精疲力竭於所有放蕩的配額了.他剩下唯一不可思議的禮物是回憶起往事,既不辛酸也不後悔.或許是這場連年的大雨給了他靜坐沉思的機會吧. (這段翻得實在拗口,沒辦法,只為了讓我自己好記單字而已)

  1. she felt that doors had been invented to stay closed and that curiosity for what was going on in the street was a matter for harlots.  (319)

  1. She had aged, all skin and bones, and her tapered eyes of a carnivorous animal had become sad and tame from looking at the rain so much. (321)
她老了,全身只剩皮包骨,她那像肉食性動物的眼睛也漸漸變細,已經因為望雨望得太多而變的哀傷與柔馴. (註: 雨整整下了四年十一個月零二天)

  1. During the afternoon, while the children were having their nap, Aureliano Segundo sat on the porch and Fernanda pursued him even there, provoking him, tormenting him, hovering about him with her implacable horsefly buzzing, saying that, of course, while there was nothing to eat except stones, her husband was sitting there like a sultan of Persia, watching it rain, because that was all he was, a slob, a sponge, a good-for-nothing, softer than cotton batting, used to living off women and convinced that he had married Jonah’s wife, who was so content with the story of the whale.  (326)
下午,孩子們睡午覺,Aureliano Segundo坐在走廊上,Fernanda又跑到那兒去激怒他,折磨他,打著轉在他身邊毫不寬容的嘮叨,那聲音就像馬蠅的嗡嗡聲一般.說家裡只有石頭可吃了,她丈夫還像波斯的蘇丹王坐在那兒看雨,因為他本來就是懶漢,吃閒飯的無用之徒,比棉絮還要軟,習慣靠女人養他,自以為娶了像舊約上所說的Jonah的妻子,鯨魚的故事就能滿足她了. (Jonah被鯨魚吃進肚子裡,三天後被吐出來,仍然安然無恙的故事)

  1. Fernanda thought that his stubbornness was diligence, his greed abnegation, and his thick-headedness perseverance, and her insides tightened with remorse over the virulence with which she had attacked his idleness.  (330)

  1. “Lord save us!” she exclaimed, as if she could see everything. “So much trouble teaching you good manners and you end up living like a pig.”  (335)

  1. “What did you expect?” he murmured. “Time passes.” “That’s how it goes,” Úrsula said, “but not so much.” When she said it she realized that she was giving the same reply that Colonel Aureliano Buendía had given in his death cell, and once again she shuddered with the evidence that time was not passing, as she had just admitted, but that it was turning in a circle. But even then she did not give resignation a chance.  (335) (quote 26)
“確實如此"Ursula說, "但不該有這麼大的變化."
她說完後,發現自己的答話與當年Aureliano Buendia上校在死牢中所說的一樣,再一次證明時間並非如她剛承認的不停留的向前去,而是循環式的流轉.這樣的證據讓她不由得顫抖,可是,即使在這個時候,她還是不肯聽天由命. (重複的對話內容請看quote 26)

  1. He was a changed man. The two hundred forty pounds that he had attained during the days when he had been challenged by The Elephant had been reduced to one hundred fifty-six; the glowing and bloated tortoise face had turned into that of an iguana, and he was always on the verge of boredom and fatigue. For Petra Cotes, however, he had never been a better man than at that time, perhaps because the pity that he inspired was mixed with love, and because of the feeling of solidarity that misery aroused in both of them. The broken-down bed ceased to be the scene of wild activities and was changed into an intimate refuge.  (337)
他已完全變了一個人,當年那位"大象"女士向他挑戰時他的二百四十磅現已減到一百五十六磅,,紅光滿面的烏龜臉已變成大蜥蜴的乾瘦面龐,並且他很容易倦怠和疲勞,但在Petra Cotes的心目中,他這時候才是最理想的男人,也許是因為她對他激起了同情之心,而同情與愛情現在已混淆不清了.也許是因為苦難使他們有了相偕與共的想法吧.倒塌的床鋪不再是瘋狂活動的場所,而成了親密的避風港.

  1. he dug so deeply into her sentiments that in search of interest he found love, because by trying to make her love him he ended up falling in love with her. Petra Cotes, for her part, loved him more and more as she felt his love increasing, and that was how in the ripeness of autumn she began to believe once more in the youthful superstition that poverty was the servitude of love. Both looked back then on the wild revelry, the gaudy wealth, and the unbridled fornication as an annoyance and they lamented that it had cost them so much of their lives to fund the paradise of shared solitude. Madly in love after so many years of sterile complicity, they enjoyed the miracle of loving each other as much at the table as in bed, and they grew to be so happy that even when they were two worn-out old people they kept on blooming like little children and playing together like dogs.  (339)
他深入研究她的感情,本來他的動機是為了利益著想,卻反而找到了真愛.因為他一心要使她愛他,沒想到自己卻深深愛上了她.Petra Cotes見他的感情加深,也越來越愛他.這也就是為什麼她在成熟的中年階段倒反而再一次相信起年輕時代的迷信了,那就是:貧窮是愛情的徒刑.現在他們兩個人都把過去那些荒唐的尋歡作樂和對財富的炫耀,以及無節制的情慾,看作是惱人的事情,哀嘆他們浪費了大半生才找到了共享孤寂的天堂,白白浪費了這麼多在一起的時間.而今才真正地狂戀起來.他們發現餐桌上的愛情奇蹟竟與床上不分軒輊.他們是多麼的快樂啊!甚至直到他們變成了枯瘦憔悴的老頭子和老太婆,還像小孩子一樣精神煥發,也像小狗一樣嬉戲.

  1. The indolence of the people was in contrast to the voracity of oblivion, which little by little was undermining memories in a pitiless way,  (344)

  1. “Put yourself in my place,” Petra Cotes begged. “Imagine how much I must have loved him to put up with this humiliation.” “There is no humiliation that a concubine does not deserve,” Fernanda replied. “So wait until another one of your men dies and put the shoes on him.”  (353)
"妳設身處地為我想一想,"Petra Cotes哀求說,"想想我多愛他,才會願意忍受這樣的屈辱."
“一個姘婦受什麼樣的屈辱都是活該," Fernanda回答說,"等妳其他的姘夫死亡後,再為他穿上這雙鞋吧."

  1. No one ever knew that those provisions were being sent by Petra Cotes with the idea that the continuing charity was a way of humiliating the person who had humiliated her. Nevertheless, the rancor disappeared much sooner than she herself had expected, and then she continued sending the food out of pride and finally out of compassion.  (357)
沒有人知道那些食物是Petra Cotes送來的,她認為繼續施捨可以羞辱那個曾經羞辱過她的人.然而,她的怨氣消失得比她自己想像中還要快.本來她是出於自尊心而送食物來,最後則是出於同情心.

  1. Fernanda told them that she was happy and in reality she was, precisely because she felt free from any compromise, as if life were pulling her once more toward the world of her parents, where one did not suffer with day-to-day problems because they were solved beforehand in one’s imagination.  (361)

  1. She felt so old, so worn out, so far away from the best moments of her life that she even yearned for those that she remembered as the worst,  (363)

  1. Her heart of compressed ash, which had resisted the most telling blows of daily reality without strain, fell apart with the first waves of nostalgia. The need to feel sad was becoming a vice as the years eroded her. She became human in her solitude.  (363)

  1. It was useless torture because even at that time he already had a terror of everything around him and he was prepared to be frightened at anything he met in life: women on the street, who would ruin his blood; the women in the house, who bore children with the tail of a pig; fighting cocks, who brought on the death of men and remorse for the rest of one’s life; firearms, which with the mere touch would bring down twenty years of war; uncertain ventures, which led only to disillusionment and madness—everything, in short, everything that God had created in His infinite goodness and that the devil had perverted.  (368)

  1. Aureliano could speak about Rome as if he had lived there many years, but he soon became aware that he knew things that were not in the encyclopedia, such as the price of items. “Everything is known,” was the only reply he received from Aureliano when he asked him where he had got that information from.  (373)
Aureliano能暢談羅馬的一切,就好像在那住過許多年似的.但他很快就注意到百科全書上沒有寫的事情Aureliano也曉得.例如物價就是一個例子.他問Aureliano資料是從什麼地方來的.他得到的唯一回答卻是: "大家都知道的呀!"

  1. That drawing closer together of two solitary people of the same blood was far from friendship, but it did allow them both to bear up better under the unfathomable solitude that separated and united them at the same time.  (373)

  1. She was so spontaneous, so emancipated, with such a free and modern spirit,  (378)

  1. Active, small, and indomitable like Úrsula, and almost as pretty and provocative as Remedios the Beauty, she was endowed with a rare instinct for anticipating fashion.  (378)
她像Ursula一樣活潑,小巧,不屈不撓.也幾乎像Remedios the Beauty一樣漂亮和誘人.此外,她還天生具有一種罕見的預估時尚的本領.

  1. Although he was at least fifteen years older than his wife, his alert determination to make her happy and his qualities as a good lover compensated for the difference. Actually, those who saw that man in his forties with careful habits, with the leash around his neck and his circus bicycle, would not have thought that he had made a pact of unbridled love with his wife and that they both gave in to the reciprocal drive in the least adequate of places and wherever the spirit moved them, as they had done since they had began to keep company, and with a passion that the passage of time and the more and more unusual circumstances deepened and enriched. Gaston was not only a fierce lover, with endless wisdom and imagination, but he was also, perhaps, the first man in the history of the species who had made an emergency landing and had come close to killing himself and his sweetheart simply to make love in a field of violets.  (380)

  1. They began to love each other at an altitude of fifteen hundred feet in the Sunday air of the moors, and they felt all the closer together as the beings on earth grew more and more minute.  (381)

  1. He did not have the pretext of climate to hasten their return because nature had endowed him with a colonial liver which resisted the drowsiness of siesta time and water that had vinegar worms in it. (381)

  1. Her secret seemed to lie in the fact that she always found a way to keep busy, resolving domestic problems that she herself had created, and doing a poor job on a thousand things which she would fix on the following day with a pernicious diligence that made one think of Fernanda and the hereditary vice of making something just to unmake it.  (382)

  1. the inhabitants bowed down by memories.  (384)

  1. Although he sometimes felt the temptation and although Nigromanta herself might have seemed to him as the natural culmination of a shared nostalgia, he did not go to bed with her.  (385)

  1. So that Aureliano and Gabriel were linked by a kind of complicity based on real facts that no one believed in, and which had affected their lives to the point that both of them found themselves off course in the tide of a world that had ended and of which only the nostalgia remained.  (390)

  1. There was no mystery in the heart of a Buendía that was impenetrable for her because a century of cards and experience had taught her that the history of the family was a machine with unavoidable repetitions, a turning wheel that would have gone on spilling into eternity were it not for the progressive and irremediable wearing of the axle.  (396)

  1. His fervor for the written word was an interweaving of solemn respect and gossipy irreverence.  (400)

  1. “The world must be all fucked up,” he said then, “when men travel first class and literature goes as freight.”  (401)
"這世界真是亂得不成體統" 他說,"人坐頭等客艙,而文學當作貨物來載運."

  1. They were the notebook pages again, woven with the purple scribbling, in which he dedicated a special paragraph to each one. Nevertheless, and although he himself did not seem to notice it, those letters of recuperation and stimulation were slowly changing into pastoral letters of disenchantment.  (402)

  1. Upset by two nostalgias facing each other like two mirrors, he lost his marvelous sense of unreality  (402)

  1. that wherever they might be they always remember that the past was a lie, that memory has no return, that every spring gone by could never be recovered, and that the wildest and most tenacious love was an ephemeral truth in the end.  (403)

  1. In that Macondo forgotten even by the birds, where the dust and the heat had become so strong that it was difficult to breathe, secluded by solitude and love and by the solitude of love in a house where it was almost impossible to sleep because of the noise of the red ants, Aureliano, and Amaranta Úrsula were the only happy beings, and the most happy on the face of the earth.  (404)
在這個連鳥兒都要把它遺忘的Macondo小鎮裡,塵埃與暑氣濃得叫人無法呼吸,Aureliano和Amaranta Ursula幽居在一個紅蟻吵得幾乎無法入眠的地方,與世隔絕獨享他們的孤寂與愛情,也獨享他們情愛的孤寂,而成為地球表面唯一快樂且是最快樂的人.

  1. Although Aureliano was just as ferocious a lover as his rival, it was Amaranta Úrsula who ruled in that paradise of disaster with her mad genius and her lyrical voracity, (405)
雖然Aureliano對愛情激烈的程度與Amaranta Ursula不相上下,但主宰這災難天堂樂園的卻是具有瘋狂天性與詩一般慾念的Amaranta Ursula

  1. Aureliano was becoming more and more absorbed and silent, for his passion was self-centered and burning. Nevertheless, they both reached such extremes of virtuosity that when they became exhausted from excitement, they would take advantage of their fatigue. They would give themselves over to the worship of their bodies, discovering that the rest periods of love had unexplored possibilities, much richer than those of desire. (405)

  1. both of them remained floating in an empty universe where the only everyday and eternal reality was love.  (407)

  1. Sometimes they would remain there in silence until nightfall, opposite each other, looking into each other’s eyes, loving each other as much as in their scandalous days. The uncertainty of the future made them turn their hearts toward the past. They saw themselves in the lost paradise of the deluge, splashing in the puddles in the courtyard, killing lizards to hang on Úrsula, pretending that they were going to bury her alive, and those memories revealed to them the truth that they had been happy together ever since they had had memory.  (408)

  1. the solitary lovers sailed against the tide of those days of the last stages, those impenitent and ill-fated times which were squandered on the useless effort of making them drift toward the desert of disenchantment and oblivion.  (411)

  1. they learned that dominant obsessions can prevail against death and they were happy again with the certainty that they would go on loving each other in their shape as apparitions long after other species of future animals would steal from the insects the paradise of misery that the insects were finally stealing from man.  (411)

  1. he became aware that he was unable to bear in his soul the crushing weight of so much past. Wounded by the fatal lances of his own nostalgia and that of others, he admired the persistence of the spider webs on the dead rose bushes, the perseverance of the ryegrass, the patience of the air in the radiant February dawn.  (414)


  1. Replies
    1. 太讚了!!謝你誇獎!!
      wait~ 收藏喔...
      那... 好吧,我今天滾回去revise...

  2. 翻了前兩年的PO文,唉唉唉!!
    智慧+豐富+熱鬧= 給他媽媽的~~~有夠讚!!

    1. 那時我還年輕,唉唉唉!!

  3. 想看這本小說的朋友,這兩個link,第一個是英文版,第二個是中文版

  4. Replies
    1. 扭到腳扭到腰,啥事都不能幹,只好K書囉 @@"

  5. 點進網址看,漏漏長,dizzying ~~~~~

    1. 所以我多甜心呀~看131 quotes就可以了
      ^ _ *

  6. 中文還可接受, thanks ^_^

    1. 不客氣囉~中文版我兩天看完
