Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Korean Cooking~닭도리탕(stewed chicken), 검은콩 콩국수(black bean sauce with Korean noodles)

Eun Hwa said, "This is my style." Here we go.
Eun Hwa's Korean Dishes

Eun Hwa doesn't care if I put her pictures online, so, here is chef Eun Hwa demonstrating how to make Korean dishes.

닭도리탕 (Dakbokkeumtang or Daktoritang)

Chicken drumsticks (1157 g)

Soy sauce 45 g

1 Tb hot pepper

2 Tb 고추장 (Gochujang)
Korean hot pepper paste


blend ginger with water 

mix together soy sauce, hot pepper, hot pepper paste, and ginger water

pour mixture over chicken

use high heat, and cover pot

meanwhile, chop garlic

cut a bunch of green onion

slice one red onion

the more mushroom the better

cut potatoes

put potatoes and mushroom in the pot after 15 minutes

add one cup of water
cover and cook for another 10 minutes

mix sliced red onion and chopped garlic in the pot
cover and cook for another 10 minutes

put green onion in the pot
cover and cook for another 10 minutes

Because there are a lot of mushrooms, they generate a lot of water.
If you have too much water, take off the cover, 
and boil until most of water has evaporated.

yummy yummy!!!

검은콩 콩국수

검은콩 means "Black turtle bean"

콩국수 means Korean noodle dish

This cold noodle dish was the one which made me fall in love with Korean food. The sauce is made from black turtle beans (cooked first,) add water, perilla seeds and black sesame seeds. Blend well, add salt to taste.

Here are a lot of pictures of  검은콩 콩국수

I love to drink it without noodles.