Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Women are biologically superior to men and, thus, live longer

Why Is the Life Expectancy Longer for Women Than It Is for Men?
Women Are Biologically Superior to Men and, thus, Live Longer.
昨天半夜提早寫完了Research Essay, (閉關還真得有效!)
這是我的first draft,文章又臭又長,懶得看的話,就賞我個雞蛋補補腦吧!
耐心看完的朋友,非常謝謝你, any corrections are welcome.
任何年份都可以,拜託拜託(謝謝好朋友們的幫忙! I should've asked help on ET earlier!)

          Throughout both the human history and different regimes, women have always lived longer lives than men. According to the statistics in Encyclopedia of Women and Genderin 1999, U.S. women outlived men by 6.7 years; similarly, 6.4 years in Japan (Belsky 96). Ruth Larson states in the article, “Gender Gap Dooms Men to Shorter Life Spans”: “The phenomenon of female longevity is universal.” Longevity of females in the animal kingdom is longer than males as well, reported by Marvin Jones who documented animal longevity for the San Diego Zoo until his retirement (Larson 40). “Women may be the gentler sex, but they are hardly the frailer” (Vive). Harvey B. Simon, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, points out many possible causes in the article “Longevity: The Ultimate Gender Gap,” he suggests that the cause of the longevity gap is the result of different hormone levels and lifestyles (18) (Rosenberg). 

          The first factor that women are biologically superior to men is estrogens. “Estrogens, as female sex hormones are known reduce heart disease, protect the brain from injury following a stroke, and improve short- and long-term memory” (Vive). From studies we know that the top cause of death in developed countries is heart disease, but women’s estrogen protects them from atherosclerosis the effect of the occlusion or blockage of arteries. Janet Belsky mentions in “Aging” that women rarely die from a heart attack before menopause (98). And even if women’s bodies stop producing estrogen after menopause, the death rate from heart disease of women is still lower than men (98).

          In addition to the different hormone levels, men are more vulnerable than women starting when they are still in the womb. Girls have two X chromosomes, while boys are born with an X and a Y chromosome. Girls’ additional X chromosome provides alternate protection in case of degradation of the other X chromosome and it provides redundancy in the immune system. The Y chromosome starts the sex determination process activating the release of the male hormone testosterone. This hormones effect the men’s immune system may be negative, lowering their infection resistance (Larson 40).

          Moreover, a report indicated that the high levels of iron might be a factor in the possible cause of coronary artery disease. According to Simon, the cardiologist community was dismayed in 1992 when Finnish scientists produced a paper tying high levels of iron to greater risk of coronary heart disease. The research fueled thought that reduced iron levels in the blood as a result of menstrual periods provided increased protection against premenopausal heart attacks. These discoveries are supported by a 1997 Finnish study that explained that men who donated blood have a drop in heart disease compared to men who do not (21).

          Why women live longer than men is still not fully understood. While some scholars suggest that women are biologically superior to men and, thus, live longer; others claim that it’s all because of the different lifestyles (Rosenberg(Simon 18)One of the lifestyle choices is to smoke. In keeping with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 56.9 percent of adult men smoked, whereas only 28.4 percent of adult women did back in 1955, but the smoking rates almost evened out to 25.2 percent and 20.7 percent by 2001, respectively (Simon 20). “If smoking is one of the causes of the longevity gap, why is the gap getting larger even as smoking rates have equalized” (20)? Even though Dr. Simon explained, "it is because smoking kills slowly," I disagree with him. If smoking kills slowly, Japanese life expectancy at birth will not increase from 81.9 years in 2005 to 87.1 years in 2050 (United Nations. DESA 81). As we know, Japanese are at the top of the longevity ranking (Belsky 96) while Japan is one of the last industrialized countries in the world where smoking is still common; statistics show Japanese smoking rate among adults was 43.3 for men and 12for women in 2004; one of the highest rates  in the world (WHO Report 114).

          Another argument that I disagree is some scholars argue that stress has an effect on men’s shorter life span than women’s because they undergo much more stress than women, especially in the workplace. We can see the argument is true from the statistics shown on the American Psychological Association 2012’s report: 40% for men, 32% for women (APA 23), but, there is another factor we have to consider. As Professor Dario Maestripieri mentioned in his article “Games Primates Play,”according to some psychologists, there is basic difference in the way men and women respond to stressfor men, it's either "fight or flight" while for women it's "tend and befriend."” Everyone deals with stress, from the sweating over being late for work or school to major life stressors, such as getting fired, divorced, or a family member’s demise. We can understand that while men are trying to fight with the stress, women are tending to live with it; and this big difference caused men to have a higher chance to have a strong impact on a person’s health: “88% for men, 78% for women” (APA 23). What is the cause of the difference? A new study from Australian physiologists suggest that a single gene, the SRY gene that men carry on their Y chromosome, is the key that makes a difference in how men and women deal with stress. The SRY gene is located between the gene that have men to leave the toilet seat up after urinating, and the gene causing them to channel surf with the remote control. In other words, the SRY gene is the reason for men’s fight-or-flight response”; whereas women use different genetic and physiological strategies to deal with stress (Maestripieri). Because women don’t have the SRY gene, their responses to stress are different from men. Women try to live with stress instead of fighting, they even try to be friends with stress; therefore, women have less chance to get “chronic illnesses: high blood pressure (32 percent vs. 23 percent), type 2 diabetes (12 percent vs. 7 percent), and heart disease or heart attack (6 percent vs. 2 percent)” (APA 24). Therefore, lifestyle is not the cause of the gender gap of longevity.

          All in all, Simon pointed out that: “It's all in the genes (19). As for menaccording to Thomas Perls, a geriatrician atHarvard Medical School, believes that "their purpose is simply to carry genes that ensure longevity and pass them on to their daughters” (Cromie); therefore, women are biologically superior to men and, thus, live longer (1098 words).
Revised 4-27

Works Cited
American Psychological Association, Norman B. Anderson, and Suzanne Bennett Johnson. “Stress and Gender.” Stress inAmerica: Our Health at Risk. N.p.: n.p., 2012. 21-24. American Psychological Association. Web. 21 Apr. 2012. <http://www.apa.org/‌news/‌press/‌releases/‌stress/‌2011/‌final-2011.pdf>.
Belsky, Janet. “Aging.” Encyclopedia of Women and Gender. Ed. Judith Worell. Vol. 1. San Diego: Academic, 2001. 95-107. Print.
Cromie, William J. “Why Women Live Longer than Men.” Harvard University Gazette (Oct. 1998): n. pag. Harvard UniversityGazette. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <http://news.harvard.edu/‌gazette/‌1998/‌10.01/‌WhyWomenLiveLon.html>.
Larson, Ruth. “Gender Gap Dooms Men to Shorter Life Spans.” Insight on the News 7 June 1999: 40. General Reference CenterGold. Web. 15 Apr. 2012. <http://findarticles.com/‌p/‌articles/‌mi_m1571/‌is_21_15/‌ai_54852031/>.
Maestripieri, Dario. “Games Primates Play: The Evolution and Economics of Human Relationships.” Psychology Today 17 Mar. 2012: n. pag. Psychology Today. Web. 21 Apr. 2012. <http://www.psychologytoday.com/‌blog/‌games-primates-play/‌201203/‌gender-differences-in-responses-stress-it-boils-down-single-gene>.
Rosenberg, Matt. “Life Expectancy: Overview of Life Expectancy.” About.com. The New York Times Co., 19 Aug. 2007. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <http://geography.about.com/‌od/‌populationgeography/‌a/‌lifeexpectancy.htm>.
Simon, Harvey B. “Longevity: The Ultimate Gender Gap.” Scientific American Special Edition June 2004: 18-23. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 Apr. 2012. <http://web.ebscohost.com.proxy1.clpccd.cc.ca.us/‌ehost/‌detail?vid=14&hid=9&sid=175fd1fc-5fc6-4b1c-b8ed-9712a91ce665%40sessionmgr4&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=a9h&AN=13256917>.
United Nations. DESA. World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. 81-83. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <http://www.un.org/‌esa/‌population/‌publications/‌wpp2006/‌WPP2006_Highlights_rev.pdf>.
World Health Organization. “Country Profiles.” WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2008: The Mpower Package. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2008. 114. WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <http://www.who.int/‌tobacco/‌mpower/‌mpower_report_full_2008.pdf>.
“Vive La Difference; Hormones and Health.” Economist 20 Oct. 2001: n. pag. General Reference Center Gold. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. <http://www.economist.com/‌node/‌821947>.


發表評論評論 (74 個評論)

回覆littlefish 2012-4-26 01:43
回覆littlefish 2012-4-26 01:43
The picture is so pretty.
回覆littlefish 2012-4-26 01:44
The picture is so pretty.
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 01:47
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 01:50
littlefishThe picture is so pretty.
回覆littlefish 2012-4-26 03:04
peanut757767: 你只有冒汗而已喔我頭痛了一個月了
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 03:04
littlefish: The picture is so pretty.
回覆littlefish 2012-4-26 03:05
peanut757767: 謝你砸的第一個蛋
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 03:07
littlefish: HAHAHA.........
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 03:08
littlefish: HAHAHA........YOU ARE WELCOME
回覆墨媽媽 2012-4-26 03:09

I'm not sure whether or not I read through it, but I did read it through... 

No one should ever throw eggs to a lady.  Your hard work definitely deserves more flowers...

Buenas noches, sweet Peanut!
回覆littlefish 2012-4-26 03:09
peanut757767: 所以我才送妳呀!
回覆littlefish 2012-4-26 03:11
peanut757767: 我去吃飯然後看書,今天不想開夜車了
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 03:13

I'm not sure whether or not I read through it, but I did read it through... 

No one should ever throw eggs to a lady.  Your hard work de
I love you! Sweet Murmur.

回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 03:17
See you~

回覆joseph 2012-4-26 03:26
The most beautiful woman is the hard-working one. So have you found yourself getting beautiful recently?

One more question about your remak "statistics show Japanese smoking rate among adults was 29% in 2008, 43% of men and 13% of women" : if adults consist of men and women, how come the added numers of 43% and 13% is not 100%?
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 03:32
joseph: The most beautiful woman is the hard-working one. So have you found yourself getting beautiful recently?

One more question about your remak &
Thanks a lot!
Even though I found only 熊貓眼!

回覆joseph 2012-4-26 03:36
peanut757767: Thanks a lot!
Even though I found only 熊貓眼!

Don't you think panda is very cute and beautiful? Why not?

I just propose my personal question from logical view, sorry.
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 03:43
joseph: Don't you think panda is very cute and beautiful? Why not?

I just propose my personal question from logical view, sorry.[em:25:
cute...OK! Why not!

Sorry about what? 唉!看能不能幫個忙
回覆joseph 2012-4-26 03:49
peanut757767: 可是......很胖耶!
cute...OK! Why not!

Sorry about what? 唉!看能不能幫個忙
Focus on panda's face but not her body, please.

I will try but I'm not sure how much I can help you. Let's wait and see. (不要對我期望過高嘿)

評論 (74 個評論)

回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 04:02
joseph: Focus on panda's face but not her body, please.

I will try but I'm not sure how much I can help you. Let's wait and see. (不要對我期望過高嘿)
回覆joseph 2012-4-26 04:02
peanut757767: 可是......很胖耶!
cute...OK! Why not!

Sorry about what? 唉!看能不能幫個忙
Now I got it and might be a mistake. 

Here for "43% of men and 13% of women" means "men's smoking rate is 43% of men and women's smoking rate is 13% of women", then it's reasonable.
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 04:06
joseph: Now I got it and might be a mistake. 

Here for "43% of men and 13% of women" means "men's smoking rate is 43% of men and women's smoki
It's OK that sometime we get a little slow.
回覆joseph 2012-4-26 04:08
peanut757767: It's OK that sometime we get a little slow.
回覆Miyukicm 2012-4-26 04:15
It's really a long long article. I will read all later. Congrats ya, my friend. Tomorrow will bring something special to celebrate. 
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 04:21
Miyukicm: It's really a long long article. I will read all later. Congrats ya, my friend. Tomorrow will bring something special to celebrate.
If you arrive earlier... I have a lot of left overs, good ones!

Thank you!
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 04:22
Thank you, my dear!
回覆Miyukicm 2012-4-26 04:23
peanut757767: If you arrive earlier... I have a lot of left overs, good ones!

Thank you!
I will, as long as Kenny is away for a couple days, then I will have more time. 
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 04:28
Miyukicm: I will, as long as Kenny is away for a couple days, then I will have more time.
Men are trouble makers!
回覆Miyukicm 2012-4-26 04:30
peanut757767: Men are trouble makers!
 I agree.
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 04:31
MiyukicmI agree.
回覆Yana 2012-4-26 11:28
我承認我沒看完 ~
但是給你拍拍手  給你放煙火 You are really wonderful ..
回覆Vancity 2012-4-26 15:36

By the way, are you a high school student? So young!
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 18:34
Yana: 我承認我沒看完 ~
但是給你拍拍手  給你放煙火 You are really wonderful ..
Thanks for stopping by.
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 18:57
Vancity: 送個雞蛋,給你補個腦。

By the way, are you a high school student? So young!
I'm studying "high school level" English in college.
After this semester(if I pass), I am guaranteed to take college courses without any tests. (the class I'm taking, 6 units, is transferable to UC)
Young? not necessarily, I might be old enough to be your mom.  
回覆涂亨成 2012-4-26 22:10
   沒聽過台語有句   "牡煞煞    牡煞煞    牡煞煞  牡煞煞  "  
    第五段直接  殺了俺的眼睛更快, 喔!! smoky  get  in  my   eyes .
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-26 22:15
涂亨成   沒聽過台語有句   "牡煞煞    牡煞煞    牡煞煞  牡煞煞  "  
    第五段直接  殺了俺的眼睛更快, 喔!! smoky  get  in  my   eyes .
牡煞煞 牡煞煞 牡煞煞 牡煞煞
我可以完全了解!Sorry about hurting your eyes. And...
Thanks for the egg.
回覆shiuhansen 2012-4-27 01:16
WHO REPORT on the global TOBACCO epidemic, 2008
Page 114
Page 276

回覆peanut757767 2012-4-27 03:01
shiuhansen: 參考以下資料看看是否有幫助:
WHO REPORT on the global TOBACCO epidemic, 2008
Page 114
I can't tell how much I appreciated it. Thank you.
I'm going to revise my essay and the citation according to your information. Thank you again.
回覆墨媽媽 2012-4-27 03:12
peanut757767: I love you! Sweet Murmur.


Thanks for the flowers, and here is yours...

Have a good night sleep, sweet Peanut!

評論 (74 個評論)

回覆peanut757767 2012-4-27 03:17

Thanks for the flowers, and here is yours...

Have a good nig
Thank you, my dear murmur.
You too, sleep tight!
回覆joseph 2012-4-27 04:07
MiyukicmI agree.
I disagree.
回覆resurgent 2012-4-27 08:03
男人承受壓力大 又只能憋在心裡 故短命 That's all.
回覆JC_Plurker 2012-4-27 10:10
Here is some other resource from "International Tobacco online"
You may compare the date with shiuhansen's. Good Luck!!
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-27 21:28
resurgent: 男人承受壓力大 又只能憋在心裡 故短命 That's all.
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-27 21:36
JC_Plurker: Here is some other resource from "International Tobacco online"
Thanks a lot, my dear friend.
I received help from 3 resources. Here is another one from 鸚鵡, 

I should've asked help on ET earlier.
The reason I chose shiuhansen's is because the higher rate suits my argument. Thank you again.
回覆JC_Plurker 2012-4-27 23:54
peanut757767: Thanks a lot, my dear friend.
I received help from 3 resources. Here is another one from 鸚鵡, 

No problem! You may trigger a help anytime on ET. 
回覆littlefish 2012-4-28 00:15
peanut757767: See you~

回覆littlefish 2012-4-28 00:17
回覆Miyukicm 2012-4-28 04:51
joseph: I disagree.
Because you are man ya. 
回覆Miyukicm 2012-4-28 04:52
resurgent: 男人承受壓力大 又只能憋在心裡 故短命 That's all.
I don't agree with you. Women also get lots of pressure from family and work ne.
回覆lastpeanut 2012-4-28 05:30
More women have entered the workplace in the past few decades. Let's wait and see how stress at workplace issue works out for them.  
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-28 06:22
JC_Plurker: No problem! You may trigger a help anytime on ET.
Thank you!
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-28 06:23
littlefish: Hahahaha.......天天都想见呀!
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-28 06:30
lastpeanut: More women have entered the workplace in the past few decades. Let's wait and see how stress at workplace issue works out for them.  
Do you know why I had a "long" paragraph argued about stress?
Your viewpoint is the same as my teacher's.
That day when I decided my working thesis, he told me that I had to persuade him about this on our way to the lab.
回覆resurgent 2012-4-28 08:32
Miyukicm: I don't agree with you. Women also get lots of pressure from family and work ne.
I didn't say women don't get pressure. I mean men tend to keep to themselves so get burnt out easily.
回覆resurgent 2012-4-28 08:39
peanut757767: 你可別憋在心裡,我不要你短命
你可別關網 ,我不要憋在心裡.
回覆lastpeanut 2012-4-28 16:26
peanut757767: Wow!!!
Do you know why I had a "long" paragraph argued about stress?
Your viewpoint is the same as my teacher's.
That day when I decided my
Are you talking about how women deal with stress or how stress shortens men's life expectancy? 

I don't have much of an opinion of my own; I just read and learn what statistics say. 
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-28 22:45
resurgent: 你可別關網 ,我不要憋在心裡.

回覆peanut757767 2012-4-28 22:48
lastpeanut: Are you talking about how women deal with stress or how stress shortens men's life expectancy? 

I don't have much of an opinion of my own; I just rea
I mean how can I stop you questioning.

評論 (74 個評論)

回覆Miyukicm 2012-4-29 05:09
resurgent: I didn't say women don't get pressure. I mean men tend to keep to themselves so get burnt out easily.
But, I still feel we women work harder than men. 
回覆joseph 2012-4-29 11:10
Miyukicm: Because you are man ya.
回覆lastpeanut 2012-4-29 13:12
peanut757767: I mean how can I stop you questioning.
Did I ask any question?  That's my only question. 
回覆resurgent 2012-4-29 23:54
Miyukicm: But, I still feel we women work harder than men.
 OK ba.
回覆resurgent 2012-4-29 23:57
peanut757767: 我沒呀!

Let's hand in hand.
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-30 01:38
resurgent: Let's hand in hand.
回覆peanut757767 2012-4-30 02:29
lastpeanut: Did I ask any question?That's my only question.
If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you.
回覆Vancity 2012-4-30 17:55
peanut757767: I'm studying "high school level" English in college.
After this semester(if I pass), I am guaranteed to take college courses without any tes
Good for you! Never stop learning.

I don't think you would be old enough to be my mom's age.
回覆resurgent 2012-4-30 18:49
peanut757767: 走~走~走走走~
回覆peanut757767 2012-5-1 01:05
Vancity: Good for you! Never stop learning.

I don't think you would be old enough to be my mom's age.

You'll never know.
回覆peanut757767 2012-5-1 01:06
回覆resurgent 2012-5-2 21:38
peanut757767: 這是笑還是哭???
回覆peanut757767 2012-5-4 06:29
resurgent: None.
回覆resurgent 2012-5-4 07:11

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